Top 3 tips from TMM HUB
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Top 3 tips from TMM HUB

We get asked all the time, to tell you what our TOP secret tips are, and we are going to share them with you today, we have got together all four of us to bring you the things you NEED to know to have the most beautiful sleepers on your hands.

First things first and if you have had a consult you will know, that we ask lots of questions to get a clear understanding of everything that is happening, this is because we need to start here, and that is with the sleep environment because if this is wrong, or something is off with this, even the best sleeper will wake up for example, if the bedroom baby/toddler is sleeping in is cold, and they are not dressed appropriately they’re going to be unsettled, right!


1. Sleep Environment

We need to ensure this is all perfect and contusive to support their sleep, therefore as mentioned above we need the room to be temperature controlled, yes this means we may need to add a heater in winter and a fan in summer, and ideally we are aiming for 19-22 degrees wearing a 3.5 tog sleeping bag, singlet and onesie underneath

Just as important is the darkness of the room, why? In the dark melatonin, the lovely sleepy hormone is released, which helps the baby fall asleep quicker and stay asleep, if the room is too light this is far too overstimulating and the release will not happen. If 10 is pitch black, we are aiming for a 9 or 10. ** Hot tip, aluminium kitchen foil works wonders to darken a room and I always take a roll when travelling.

White noise – yes we love it, and yes we recommend playing this continuously for the duration of all naps, and overnight – we even love portable white noise, one of the best positive sleep associations that also plays a role in drowning out any noises environmentally and switches on calming reflexes.


2. Don’t follow set times

So many of our clients feel as though they are failing because babies won’t go to sleep at set times! Throw that idea out of the window and learn your baby's tired signs, things like rubbing their eyes, red eye bros, becoming more vocal, glazed eyes, and be guided by them, their actions and the time they are showing these, learn their awake windows, not set times as this makes us feel like we are failing, as baby won’t go to sleep if they are under tired, or overtired, yes every day may be slightly different but that is fine, if you start your day between 7-7.30 am the structure will naturally fall around the same time anyway, but avoid set times regardless as we need sleep pressure build for your little one to nap well.


3. Be kind to yourself

Yes, consistency is key and the more you do the same thing to teach your little one the quicker they will learn, HOWEVER and we cannot stress this enough, you still need to be realistic and kind to yourself – if you get invited to something and you want to go, go! Do not be a slave to your home, and to sleep training pick up where you left off when you are back, your mental health is a priority and you need to be doing things to fill your cup too, a happy parent has a happy baby.


That is it from us at the TMM Hub, if you want to know more our DM’s are always open, and if you need a routine check or a chat we are here...


Big love x
Understanding Sleep Cycles