The Midwife Mumma // Amelia Lamont
Blog x TMM

Welcome to my channel!!

As you know I am writing a book, yes a bloody book and it will be everything you need to know postpartum and more, so ahead of me finishing that and releasing I thought why not add something else to my plate, because I do not buy enough right!?

Recently I have had a heap of new followers, and also my business has grown significantly which I am so grateful for, so I want to give back some free information in the form of a blog where I will try my very best to add an article a week based on numerous topics, I will be writing based on what is happening in the business, at the moment we have been inundated with the threenagers (I swear this age is worst that 2, forget the terrible twos threenagers are FUN said no mum ever!) refusing bedtime, needing us to lay with them or early rising for instance.

First, though I wanted to introduce myself, my why and all that ….
I am Amelia, I have been with my partner for 17 plus years, not married and now I feel like that will never happen as we would have the biggest guest list, as there is no one I could ever leave out and it would cost us a BOMB! We have 4 beautiful children, Alfie, Essie, Coco and the most recent Scouty bum, I can’t say I am done yet, and honestly don’t know if I will ever be done, how do you even know when you are done? I am a midwife, and I adore having babies, and all things baby and children.

When Alfie my firstborn arrived, there was NO sleep, I reactive to every noise he made, he fed all the time, and I became beyond exhausted, so I went off to sleep school and my world as I knew it completely changed, he started to sleep and it was LIFE CHANGING (We hear this a lot nowadays) that is where my passion for teaching babies and toddlers the beautiful art of falling to sleep with independence (I hate the words sleep training)I studied, started my business and it has thrived ever since, we now have an awesome Team and I really am so proud of The Midwife Mumma enterprise but mostly the beautiful community that it has become, where we all support each other through raising our children, I genuinely love to share the highs, lows and everything in between in a raw, this is me, no bullshit and no F’s given way, you won’t get any more real than me, and that is the truth!

I love a parma, a glass of red wine, and a massage on a Sunday! I am pretty simple, surround myself with family, a lamb roast and good friends and I am happy.

I am tired right now, V. TIRED but that is what it is with 4 kids, a busy household, and everything that I am choosing to fulfil my days with but I wouldn’t have it any other way!

So, watch this space and welcome to my channel.
Amelia x
Newborn – What the heck is this??