Why white noise?
Blog x TMM

Why white noise?

Are you wondering what the hype is around playing white noise for babies, and why we as sleep consultants love it, let me explain it ALL for you.

Babies love white noise, it is so soothing for them, as it switches on their calming reflexes, this is because it replicates the LOUD sounds babies are used too and so familiar with in utero, loud swooshing is what they heard for 9 months, it also serves an important role in drowning out any environmental factors, noises – like other children, snoring, busy road, birds in the morning or the dreaded garbage man or postie, yes mate I know I ordered something online at 3am, but do you REALLY need to knock that LOUD FML!

We recommend to use white noise for all naps, as well as overnight sleep playing continuously, (on the go portable white noise is a MUST) that way if baby wakes throughout sleep cycles it hasn’t stopped which will wake them completely (if something has changed from when they started sleep, it can cause them to wake wondering where it has gone) of course though It's important to use white noise at a safe volume and to avoid prolonged exposure to very loud sounds, as this could potentially harm a baby's hearing. We recommend downloading a decibel meter reader app onto your phone, (free from any app store) and check the decibel from mattress level – it needs to be between 50-60 decibels, to be loud enough to serve the purpose of using it, but not too loud where it can damage their little ears.

Promotes Sleep:

The repetitive nature of white noise can help babies relax and fall asleep. It can also help them stay asleep by providing a constant, predictable sound environment that drowns out intermittent noises that might otherwise wake them.

Creates a Sleep Association:

Over time, babies can associate the presence of white noise with sleep, making it a helpful sleep cue. This association can help them relax and prepare for sleep when they hear the white noise.

Calming Effect:

White noise has been found to have a calming effect on the nervous system, both in babies and adults. It can reduce stress levels and promote relaxation, which is beneficial for soothing fussy or colicky babies.

So what are you waiting for, my sound machines are in stock and ready to pack!

Light Duo Bundle
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